Microwave Up Converter Block. Designed for millimeter waves and dual input, DC and RF for military uses. The product designed and engineered for Elisra Electronic Systems Microwave Division ( today part of Elbit Systems.

Vertical Turbine Pump Head
Midsize Company, Water Industries
Vertical Turbine Pump Head. Click edit button to change this text.

1 Inch Kinetic Air Valve
Irrigation and Agriculture, Midsize Company, Water Industries
1 Inch Kinetic Air Valve. This valve has been designed for efficient discharge and intake of air in water transport systems, filtering systems, containers, and other places where confined air could impair the system's operation. The valve is appropriate for: • Expelling the air at high flow velocity during the initial filling of the system • Introducing large [...]

Sustain Release Drag Delivery Patch Panoderm
Hi-Tech, Medical and Laboratory, Midsize Company
Sustain Release Drag Delivery Patch Panoderm.™ Panoderm™ (trade mark of Elan Corporation ) is ionthophoretic, fully disposable and fully controled patch for Hydro-morphine. The control electronics and batteries are incorporated into the main patch housing. The patch is flexible and compliant to the body site on which it is placed. It is affixed to the users [...]
K Liquid Packaging Spout
Midsize Company, Packaging
EM Liquid Packaging Spout. 1" diameter spout, flat rigid type, suitable for chemical & steam sterilization. Designed for Aran Packging
HA Liquid Packaging Spout
Midsize Company, Packaging
HA Liquid Packaging Spout. 2" diameter spout, designed for chemical and steam sterilization work conditions. Designed and engineered for Aran Packaging

Garden Plastic End Hose Nozzle Sprayer
Home and Garden Products, Irrigation and Agriculture, Midsize Company
Garden Plastic End Hose Nozzle Sprayer. Continuous adjustment operation design. Designed and engineered for Elgo Irrigation Systems.
Elpo Liquid Packaging Spout
Midsize Company, Packaging
Elpo Liquid Packaging Spout . Elpo spout, 1″ diameter, designed to resist chemical and steam sterilization. The Product designed for Aran Packaging.
Plastic Drum Handle
Midsize Company, Packaging
Plastic Drum Handle. The product designed and engineered for Pachmas Packaging Ltd. Plastic Drum with Handle

Air Freshener Glade Solid Gel Packaging
Midsize Company, Packaging, Small Business
Air Freshener Glade Solid Gel Packaging.
BV Liquid Packaging Spout
Midsize Company, Packaging
BV Liquid Packaging Spout. 1" Diameter, flat rigid type spout, with thread. Designed and engineered for Aran Packaging.