Marketing & Sales Support
We offer an array of marketing and sales support services to help clients introduce new products into market
How can our Sales Support Services benefit you ?
Your company and your customers, rely on your technical product communication for detailed information about your product:
how it works, how to assemble it, how to use it, how to service it.
Does your shop floor have to accommodate last-minute design changes frequently?
Does your technical communication reflect the high quality of your products?
Do you have to wait for the physical product or prototype to take photos before starting your assembly instructions?
Do your manuals and brochures stay up-to-date?
Do you keep recreating the same images for different materials?
All these concerns can add up to issues for your users—issues that Novoprod® can help you master.

Our Marketing & Sales Support Services include:
Market Opportunity Assessment
Before a new product design gets too far along we can help you figure out the target market, distribution network and selling price and create presentation materials so you can easily explain the new product to potential investors and buyers.
With early image renders and prototypes we can help prepare you to get consumer reaction to the new product. The information we prepare helps to form a strategic understanding of the business opportunity for you new product and provides the collateral material required to get investors, distributors and customers excited and engaged.
Product Concept Packaging
For products that go on retail shelves they may require creative packaging enclosures and graphics. We create ‘box’ and graphics concepts for review and pricing. We can provide prototype packaging within a few days using quick prototype techniques that closely resemble final product packaging.
Once a packaging solution is selected we work closely with a packaging manufacturer to ensure the box looks as professional as the product. We also create artwork for user guides, warranty cards and specify all the internal requirements of a box packaging to meet drop and shipping requirements.

Web Presence & Online Sales Support
Once your product is online it is important that people find your Company & Products. Novoprod has strong knowledge in website design and development, search engine techniques, and e-commerce product fulfillment operations.
Photo Quality Renders and Animations
Later on in a product development when detailed 3D CAD geometry for the product is available, we can create photo quality images and animations for use on websites, at tradeshows and for product brochures.